Food for reduce Fat

Nutritionists say that one pound of fat is equal to 3,500 calories. To lose or gain one pound of fat, a person requires an excess or deprivation of that caloric amount in addition or subtraction to their recommended intake over the span of a few days. There are several foods that help the body metabolize fat faster. It is best to seek out and consume as many of these foods as possible.
Turkey - 104 cal / 100 g
Among the list of fat burning foods, turkey is highly rated. As one of the best and most healthy natural food, turkey helps to store lean muscle mass, has few calories and increases metabolism.

Berries - 50 cal / 100 g
As one of the best fast fat burning foods, berries are an excellent source of fiber. Fiber keeps dieters feeling satiated longer and helps boost the metabolism in breakdown of food and fats.

Oranges - 47 cal / 100 g
Orange is one of the best fruit because of its high fiber content. They are the first in saturation index between fruit, which put together Australian scientists. Fiber contained in oranges burns fat. It is proven that people who have enough fiber in their body, have less adipose tissue. Not to mention the fact that oranges are very rich in vitamins.
Whole Grains - 247 cal / 100g

Whole Grains
Carbohydrates found in whole grains are beneficial in boosting metabolism. It is crucial to seek out only the whole grain labels and avoid processed and starched sources of carbohydrates, which are the opposite of fast fat burning foods

Salmon & Tuna - 206 cal / 100 g
Salmon & Tuna
These two meaty fish are both excellent fat burning foods. Both fish act positively on the body’s hormone Leptin, which is responsible for storing or burning calories

 Lean Meat - 190 cal / 100 g
Lean Meat
Another excellent choice of the fat burning food list is lean cuts of beef or poultry. Poultry should be natural and beef should be high-grade and very lean. Both contain proteins.

Oatmeal - 110 cal / 100 g
Packed with soluble fiber, oatmeal ranks high on the list. Not only does it help the metabolism, but also contributes to lowering cholesterol and risk of heart disease. Oatmeal should be eaten plain and unsweetened or with fresh fruit.

Pine nuts - 630 cal / 100 g
Pine nuts
Healthy fatty acids in pine nuts increase levels of satiety hormones in the body according to Korean scientists. These fatty acids also reduce belly fat. And as we all know, fat accumulation in the abdominal area is more dangerous than fat accumulation elsewhere in the body.

Milk - 86 cal / 1 glass

While too much whole milk may contribute to weight gain, calcium-enriched low-fat milk is great because of the fact that calcium stimulates the metabolism.

Beans - 145 cal / 100 g
Helping build muscle and burn fat by stimulating the metabolism. They also keep dieters satiated longer and reduce the urge to eat.

Eggs - 90 cal / 1 egg
With high levels of protein, eggs help the metabolism burn fat quickly. Although they have higher cholesterol than some people desire, they can still be one of the best fat burning foods by simply removing the yolk.

Fresh Cheese - 250 cal / 100 g
Fresh Cheese
Fresh cheese contains a large amount of linoleic acid, which gives the body a feeling of fullness and accelerates fat burning. The most of linoleic acid is included in cheese from animals fed on grass.

Hot Peppers 0 cal / 1 serving
Hot Peppers
Varieties of hot peppers act as natural fat burning foods. The chemical that makes them spicy speeds up the heart safely. The fact that some people are able to burn up to 1,000 more calories per day from peppers makes them one of the best diet foods.

Water Rich Foods - 40 to 60 cal / 100 g
Water-Rich Foods
Even ordinary water helps burn fat. According to Japanese research, women who ate a lot of water-rich foods had a lower BMI and smaller waist circumference. Among the water-rich foods include: broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, grapefruit, lettuce, radishes and spinach.


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